When talking about Scuba Diving many say it’s something they only do when abroad as there’s not as much to see in the UK. I did my first open water scuba dive way back in 1990 and was amazed at just how much there was to see down in British waters. I found this little video from JDSCUBA this week.What ...
Minera, The Horseshoe Pass, Llangollen and World’s End are key areas I explored and played in growing up. The scenery is stunning and the number of adventures to be had endless whether it’s Mountain biking, cycling, trekking, bouldering or rock climbing. So it was great to see this bit of footage taken by the guys at Onion Ride Tv this ...
A good little Vlog from Matt Thomas covering a family walk up the stunning Aber Falls in North Wales. View Matt’s youtube channel here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKRJZaQbzJ4 ...
Crib Goch is an epic experience. One not to be taken lightly and we were glad to see that Gareth had some great experienced people around him when he faced his fears to tackle the immense Snowdon ridge. Check out his Youtube channel for more info and a list of the equipment used. Excerpt from Gareths youtube page: So this ...
We are all to aware of the respect that you need to show to many of the terrains and mountains in North Wales.But we Stumbled across this great little film by Santiago Pilgrim on youtube. View his channel here Here is the excerpt from his post. After a filming job in Birmingham, we headed over to North Wales for a ...