From Novice to International Sailors! Episode 10 – North Wales to France the dream becomes reality

Episode 10 from the Wildlings Sailing series of films.
This is the final film from the Wildlings Sailing Series . . . .for now!
We hope to keep in touch with the couple and cover any other adventures that might stem from North Wales.

The so this is it! This is the moment they were working towards from buying the Good Tidings, getting her well and truly ship shape and now here they are setting sail on the magnificent adventure.

There are some beautiful shots throughout this video. Covering the true beauty of the Welsh and British coastline. Dolphins glide effortlessly alongside them and they brave the English channel and head for Paris!

Watch their video below and check back for regular updates but before you do, why not buy them  a croissant for their Journey on thier Ko-FI page